Lidu Liquor Enterprise Competitiveness Analysis with AHP
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Published: 2 October 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
As one of the Chinese luxury consumption, top-grade liquor is widely focused social issue. Research in white spirit competitiveness is the key to study liquor enterprise, especially in the whole environment, the demand and support of white spirit is decreasing and unbalanced. So, it is essential to solve the urgent problem. Lidu liquor enterprise, as one of famous brand, with more than 200-year history and its wines are full reputation in the world, so Lidu liquor enterprise can be an important representative of enterprise competition research. Article use AHP with Lidu liquor enterprise’s situation, datum and experts’ estimation for calculating its four representative wines and analyze the result. Finally, the article come to a conclusion that Lidu liquor enterprise’s competitiveness is corporate culture, profitability, market performance. Besides, AHP is helpful to evaluate Lidu Liquor Company and put forward improving policies.
Keywords: Competitiveness, Liquor, Lidu liquor enterprise, AHP.

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How to Cite
Li Wei. (2019-10-02). "Lidu Liquor Enterprise Competitiveness Analysis with AHP." *Volume 2*, 4, 1-6